Jonathan Kendrick’s grandmother lives in the upstate New York village of Felicity Grove. And whenever something of a criminal nature occurs, Grandma Anna is right in the thick of it. This time, the senior sleuth needs Jonathan’s help to clear an innocent man’s name.
Zebediah Crummler, the cemetery caretaker, has been arrested for killing a member of the powerful Harnes family….
Because of his childlike nature, Crummler is placed in an asylum, where his inconsistent tales and ramblings prove difficult for Jonathan and Anna to decipher. But they must be careful, for the Harnes clan has its own idea of rendering justice.
SORROW’S CROWN BY TOM PICCIRILLI is the second in the Felicity Grove mysteries. Jonathan Kendricks is back in Felicity Grove,not only visiting his grandmother Anna but his girlfriend, Kate who is pregnant with Jonathan’s child. Unfortunately that is again secondary to what Jonathan is concerned about. Another murder crops up,this time , a wealthy power hungry mans son. Jonathan gets involved with the murder because his friend “the Crummler” is arrested.
SORROW’S CROWN has surpassed the work of the first mystery in the series. The narration is much better,and the characters continue to develop .