Centuries after the legendary Robin Hood, a group of men and women find themselves fighting for the same cause. In this battle for freedom, a tender love story begins to blossom. Daniel, a rogue and a leader of the Freemen, doesn’t realize that the sweet, feminine woman he has met – and is falling – for happens to be the leader of Robin’s Rebels. Realizing the importance of uniting all the rebel groups, Daniel tries to recruit Robin’s Rebels, but they refuse. Now he has to find a way to convince them. When he finds out the leader is actually a woman, what will his reaction be?
Chopstickz11 –
It’s not hard to see the parallels between this book and the tale of Robinhood. The difference is that Ms. Clarke places a strong, independent female in the lead role. Set in a time when women were hardly ever considered for anything outside of the home, Ms. Clarke has crafted a wonderful story providing young girls with character they can look up to. Full of humor and action, this book moves along quickly and makes for a great weekend read.
I was provided with a free copy of this audio book for my honest review. The views expressed here are entirely my own.
Patricia Reichardt –
Sometimes I need to sit back and enjoy a good romantic adventure. This spin on Robin Hood was just the medicine I needed! Robin is the leader of the group of rebels, looking to secure the freedom of their country. Daniel too is the in charge of a larger group, and he would like to merge the two. A wager is set for the merger, and lo and behold, when the two are up against each other, Daniel recognizes Robin to be the woman, yes I said woman he met the other day. Robin is a wonderful character. I love her spunk, her independence and ability not only to out perform many of the men, but at the same time be a woman. It’s refreshing to have a character like her. I fell fast for Daniel. He has his goals set, his heart in the right place and will do anything to make right the wrongs that are in place. There are a few twists and turns in this story, meeting characters of ill repute as well as finding out true identities. It’s a fun, romantic listen and shoots all those good feelings straight to your heart. Carolyn Kashner does a wonderful job with the many voices and brings this exciting adventure to life.