

“These codes are DIFFERENT from the usual codes, and are from Findaway Voices. Please follow the LINK that comes up when you submit for a code. Contact us with any questions.”

My enemy had seen me naked. He was holding the proof right before my eyes, and my stomach lurched sickeningly.

“Seems like you had too much to drink last night,” he remarked in that condescending tone he always used with me.

I looked up at him as he stood watching me from the doorway with his attitude of superiority. In that moment of weakness, I actually tried to plead with him. “Please. I’ve never done anything to you.”

“Begging me on your knees. That’s a good start.”

Dread turned my clammy skin cold. Mason Sumner hated my guts, and he would have no compassion for me. This was bad. This was really, really bad.

Not intended for younger teens due to adult content.

“These codes are DIFFERENT from the usual codes, and are from Findaway Voices. Please follow the LINK that comes up when you submit for a code. Contact us with any questions.”


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