A Photographer Got Me: Ronaldo

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Young freelance photographer Ronaldo Ramos is in Valencia for a client. But in his profession, he had never come across one so needy like 30-year-old supermodel Isabella Rodriguez.

Isabella loves the spotlight and instantly feels liberated, as the young man’s camera snaps away. Her grief-stricken soul over her billionaire husband’s death has been caged inside the last few years.

The snapshots are gradually unlocking new doors for the supermodel, but how far will she be willing to go at the end of the day?


  • Samplehttps://www.audible.com/pd/A-Photographer-Got-Me-Ronaldo-Audiobook/B08X1898K9?qid=1613828899&sr=1-1&ref=a_search_c3_lProduct_1_1&pf_rd_p=83218cca-c308-412f-bfcf-90198b687a2f&pf_rd_r=ZP96FX5N403W341QT4HV


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