For one singular purpose, Jesus of Nazareth came into this world: to destroy the work of darkness and reconcile God’s children of creation to Himself. Jesus came that we would have life, and life in perfect union with Him, just as He shares with the Father and the Spirit. The bloody cross was the crucible through which this glorious reunion was consecrated, and the crucible through which Christ has called us into the divine family.
Through the cross we share His blood and through Christ’s blood we share the DNA of heaven. But we must walk the walk. This audiobook is a call to the one road of true discipleship – the road walked by the first disciples and the early church. The road largely avoided and forgotten in today’s discipleship plans and programs.
One Bloody Road is a call back to the glorious way of discipleship on which Christ himself is found. It is the road by which we can live forever in the fullness of God’s eternal family and on which we can see heaven manifest in this world.
This road to eternal life, paved with Jesus’ own pain and glory, starts wherever and whenever you will lay your life down for Him.
©2016 (P)2018 John Garrett
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