A Parent’s Worst Nightmares


What happens when the normal rites of passage to adulthood become something more potentially deadly. What do you do when your child refuses to eat, self-harms, or becomes deeply depressed? How do you protect your child from bullies, gangs, or grooming from predators? What happens when they run away from home, get addicted to drugs, alcohol, or engage in criminal activities. What do you do when your child seems so set on pressing the self-destruct button and nothing you say has any effect?

This book is written by a parent for parents who are facing this difficult situation now. It covers not only some useful tools to use in guiding your child but also gives you the parent some help in coping with an often terrifying and deeply upsetting scenario. It doesn’t matter what issues or multiple issues you are being confronted with, there is something to help within this book. This book aims to give hope when hope is in short supply and remind parents that even though they may be weathering the storm from hell right now calmer waters are not far away.


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