My Profile

Bill Forsythe
I am an American male with a deep voice. My audiobooks on the market include: The Blessing of Obed-edom, a Biblical fiction written by Tom Kraueter, I performed 23 different voices ranging from toddlers to a king, angels & thugs, in American and middle-Eastern accents. Two other audiobooks I have done - God's Love for You!: A Revelation of the Eternal Heart of God; and God's Eternal Purpose; Unveiling Man's True Design - were written by Rudi Louw and is are Christian nonfiction books.  
Fun Fact!
Narration was my first job! In the 2nd Grade, I was "paid" (with a meal and a strawberry sundae) to attend PTA meetings where they would sit me in the front of the room, hand me a text book at 5th or 6th Grade level, open the book to a random place and ask me to read aloud. It helped convince the school district to retain the phonics reading instruction methodology!