Veronica: Arise Fair Sun (New Adult Erotic Romance – M/F UST/RST)


Every Romeo Needs His Juliet

Ken wanted Veronica when they were both performing in Romeo and Juliet; she seemed to want him. But both were seeing other people.

Now, nearly a year later, there’s nothing in the way.

These two find that sometimes a nice summer affair is just what the doctor ordered, and Ken learns to agree with Hamlet: “‘Tis a fair thought to lie between maids’ legs.”

Part of the Erotic Tales: Letters for Allison series by K. D. West (

  1. Dana: Thing of Beauty
  2. Bridget: Virgin Knot
  3. Cindy (Coming Soon!)
  4. Rachel: The Big Easy
  5. Veronica: Arise Fair Sun
  6. Meredith (Coming Soon!)
  7. Alison (Coming Soon!)
  • Sample

  • Author / Narrator Newsletter


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