Under Low Skies


A fisherman is dead and a gringo presumed guilty.

It’s up to Martin to prove his brother is innocent.

The Venezuelan police, a mysterious and gorgeous woman lawyer, a vicious gringo with the unlikely name of Highball, a seemingly affable drug lord, and a guy named Raul have all decided that having Martin’s brother locked up in jail, charged with murdering a fisherman is a good thing. They think he knows about the missing shipment of drugs, too. They don’t seem to be connected, but hey, he’s a convenient scapegoat. Having Martin poking around can be inconvenient. It wouldn’t be the first time he’s had to go against the odds, but it’s never easy.

Martin isn’t even a detective. He’s an ex-seal and a sea captain and proving Tim’s innocence is going to be tough. He does have Maggie there to help him, but is that nearly enough?

It’s a good thing Ugly Bill is on his way.


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