The ultimate guide for a tiny house owner.
Have the house the way you want it! There are many ways of arranging your tiny living space, no matter the size.
In this day and age of rapid change and financial uncertainty, building a tiny house is an obvious choice. Little space to heat, easy to maintain, low carbon footprint – the list of advantages is long.
As an experienced outdoorsman and survivalist, I want to share practical tips on how to arrange your personal tiny house space to live in maximum comfort, no matter how big it is.
By the end of the book, you will have learned:
- Types of tiny houses. Protohaus, slope house, wooden box – this book explains them all.
- Pros and cons of a tiny house – where to situate it, how to organize your finances, how to maximize the space, and more.
- How to plan your tiny living space – shelves, lighting, decoration, and other great tips to help you make the best use of your space.
- Decorating the outdoor area – patio ideas, outdoor furniture, landscaping. Make the outdoor outstanding!
- How to declutter your space – old clothes, kitchen utensils from the last century, your work area, etc. Your house has much more space than you expect!
- Common mistakes when building a tiny house – what are the right windows? The heating system? What ventilation? You build it only once, so build it well.
If there is one book you listen to before getting your dream tiny house, make it this one.
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