It had been many years since Jemima Barlow entered into the front doors of her primary school. Her heart leapt when she spotted a portrait of her first-grade teacher, Miss Kravitz, hanging on the wall beside the school’s namesake, Sarah Swain. Her shifty eyes and sinister smile seemed to taunt Jemima, awakening a nightmare from long ago—but then, the lovely Miss Granizo came to mind…
Originally titled, Even a Beautiful Swan, this short story placed 1st in the 2015 Midwest Writer’s Guild annual contest
Jocelyne –
This is a short novella, interesting, fast-paced, and well written. The characters are intriguing. Emma Stansfield did a great job with the narration.
Norma Miles –
Always the last to be picked.”
A short story lacked with imagery.
The primary school attended by Jemima Barlow years before has long since closed, but the building still runs art classes. Attending one, Jemima recalls her time there, teachers, her friend, fellow students and the parents, including her own.
An absolutely delightful slice of personal, but universal, remembrance.
Beautifully read by Emma Stanfield, whose performance adds to the experience.
With thanks to the rights holder of The Lovely Miss Granizo, who, at my request, freely gifted me with a complimentary copy, via Audiobooks Unleashed. So much lacked into so little time. Recommended
Mariel –
The Lovely Miss Granizo: A Short Story Audible Audiobook – Unabridged
by LeAnn L. Morgan
Narrated by Emma Stansfield
I received a complimentary copy and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Jemima Barlow attended art evening classes at her old primary school. Although no longer a primary school anymore. Those days history. The portraits of the teachers remained on the walls, assuming pride of place as if to still welcome visitors. For Jemima, the portrait of one schoolmistress, Miss Kravitz, was a dreaded ghostly reminder of the past.
Poor Jemima didn’t have an easy childhood, in more ways than one, but despite everything, she still held dear the pleasant memories of one special teacher that made all the difference.
On entering year 7, Jemima met “ the lovely Miss Granizo “, who held a natural ability to make every child feel unique. Jemima finally felt she had a reason to be at school. Looking back on our childhood, we can recall at least one teacher who awakened the passion for a certain subject. Miss Granizo held that tender place in Jemima’s heart. I thank LeAnn L. Morgan for awakening my memories of a few of my tutors, who I recall with fondness.
Emma Stanford produces a wonderful aura to the story by narrating the audio version. She verbally acts out the pages, producing the perfect image of the events as they unfold. She expresses the details that carry us on a poignant journey through Jemima’s childhood experiences, through to a satisfactory conclusion.
A cute emotional story, short it may be, but worth the read or listen.
I rate The Lovely Miss Granizo 5 out of 5 stars