Manic Man: Tales of a Middle Aged, Irish, Bipolar Warrior

Category: Author: Narrator: Length:


Dedicated to my very patient and loyal fans. Four years and I thought for sure no one cared. Well, they do. And to everyone inside the darkest depths and horrors of their own minds. Mental heath awareness is in short supply.

Let’s talk about the cover. Semicolon. The sentence is up in the air. End it? Keep going? Live? Die? The semicolon means the author made their own choice to keep the sentence going. Thoughts continue and grow. Life goes on. Love. Inclusion. Acceptance. This book is dedicated to the victims of suicide, the living and the dead.

There is hope. Just grab on to the hand that breaks the fall. Get up, dust yourself off, and live one more day aboveground.

I’ve walked the earth a decade longer than my own father ever did. This book is about him. It is about me. It is about my family. It is about making my family cry on and off for 44 years. This book is going to help me not make people cry anymore. It’s about shame and ugliness. It’s about neglect, abandonment, drugs, alcohol.

Move forward, bipolar warrior. Don’t slow down.

You’re just getting started.

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