The Lost Books of the Bible: The Great Rejected Texts – 18 of the most sought-after books available, which shed light on the evolution of our faith, our theology, and our church.
Translations and commentary by the author of the best-selling book The Lost Books of Enoch, Joseph Lumpkin.
- Section one: “Lost Scriptures of the Old Testament” – First Book of Adam and Eve, Second Book of Adam and Eve, First Book of Enoch, Second Book of Enoch (Secrets of Enoch), Jubilees, Jasher, The Story of Ahikar
- Section two: “Apocalyptic Writings and the End of Days” – Apocalypse of Abraham, Apocalypse of Thomas, 4 Ezra, 2 Baruch, War Scroll (Sons of Dark vs. Sons of Light)
- Section three: “Lost Scriptures of the New Testament” – Gospel of Philip, Gospel of Mary Magdalene, Apocryphon of John, Gospel of Thomas, Gospel of Judas, Acts Chapter 29
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