Churches are banned. Religion is outlawed. Freedom is dead.
Found guilty of “spreading dissent”, Jenna and David Hall are sentenced to re-education at the Innova Center.
Their home is forfeit. Their marriage is dissolved.
Once a famous actress, Jenna is afforded immunity from the most aggressive forms of therapy because they want something from her, but David is not so lucky.
He’s a hostage. Cooperation will keep him alive, but at what cost?
This is a short Christian dystopia story. If you’re not into that, you may wish to try a mystery like Fatal Interest or the Shadow Council series. If you like Christian stories, try Heartfelt Cases.
(Normal emails come out 1-2 times a month.)
Mia Harper –
This book gave me the shivers, the thought of religion being outlawed and freedom of thought banned is terrifying! The arrest and realisation that her visions were coming true was scary, but I loved that Jenna and David’s faith and marriage was strong and they were willing to fight. I was disappointed when I reached the end of the book and wanted to know more about ‘the accident’ that led to the visions!
Jennifer Fournier –
Futuristic sci-fi short story about a future repressive US…sort of a Gillead in reverse because now public displays of religion are forbidden. You get a hint that this is more about just religious oppression because of the histories of some other characters but the main characters are in trouble for religious expression.
I liked the backstory of the main character. You get some good inner debate about tough choices she has to make but she did seem a little too perfect. The story ended quite abruptly… and I wanted to hear more.
Narrator was fine.
I received this book for free via a promotional code.