This darkly offbeat novel opens with the narrator, Wallace Black, as the target of the school bully’s violence. After suffering a horrendous beating, Black goes home to his equally abusive family. As a punishment for fighting at school, his mother straps a set of grotesque horns to the top of his head. He is unsure of where the horns came from. They have always been in the house. And they contain a power no one could have expected.
Let Andersen Prunty (Zerostrata, Morning Is Dead, and The Beard) guide you through a sometimes hilarious, sometimes violent and terrifying coming-of-age Midwestern gothic novel.
Shadow Girl –
I was about 25% into a reread of this yesterday when I ran into a copy of the audiobook via the author’s Twitter feed (@andersenprunty). I was doing a few things, so I switched it on right away.
Normally, (well, back when real life WAS normal), audio books are just a convenience for me, not a preference. I’ve trained my brain to become friends with my Kindle robo-voice to the point where I can listen to her during work commutes just like any narrator.
The narrator of this Audible edition of Fuckness is so fuckin’ awesome that this ‘reread’ turned into an entirely new experience.
Jeff Bower is the narrator of Fuckness, and although I’m about to stalk his ass to see what else he’s done – he could just be The Voice of Andersen Prunty in my head forevermore. (Just DL’d an audio book which A.P. narrates himself, I’ll comment more after listening.)
Jeff Bower though…how can I explain… he has this evil little giggle that he does, kind of to himself, and it adds something undefinable to his character. Love it. It reminds me of that evil, psychotic side of myself when I’m heartily laughing at something that I shouldn’t be – does that help explain it?
You can check out the full, unedited, NSFW review of FUCKNESS on my blog –