Jia, The Smoking Lesbian Seductress, is the intense new series from Annjanette Daley. See what happens when a woman with a definite smoking fetish, and a definite desire to corrupt every morally upright straight woman she sees, puts her plans into action. With tons of first lesbian sex, reluctant lesbian sex, and group lesbian sex; this might be the lesbian seduction erotica series to make all others seem tame.
In this volume, Jia closes the deal and enjoys a time of exciting and sexy, lesbian sex, with the once do-gooder, Delilah. As for the younger woman, she’s transfixed by Jia’s Asian beauty and charm, and doesn’t even realize how she was manipulated into everything!
Warning: This audiobook contains very explicit descriptions of sexual activity during a lesbian seduction. It includes reluctant smoking, smoking fetish, reluctant lesbian sex, first lesbian sex, and more. It is intended for mature adults who will not be offended by graphic depictions of sexual acts.
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