This is a two book bundle related to data analytics and beginning your quest to understand the Linux Command Line Operating System.
In Data Analytics, you will learn:
- Why your business should be using data analytics
- Issues with using big data
- Effective data management
- Examples of data management in the real-world
- The different kinds of data analytics and their definitions
- How data management, data mining, data integration and data warehousing work together
- A step-by-step guide for conducting data analysis for your business
- An organizational guide to data analytics
- Tools for data visualization
In Hacking University Senior Edition, you will learn:
- What is Linux
- History and benefits of Linux
- Ubuntu basics and installing Linux
- Managing software and hardware
- The command line terminal
- Useful applications
- Security protocols
- Scripting, I/O redirection, managing directories
- And a bunch more!
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