My Profile

Zura Johnson
Starting when I was 5 with the cassette tapes of The Wizard of Oz, my parents gave me audiobooks for birthdays and Christmas. I loved them! I listened until the tapes wore out. I memorized them! When I started reciting them for my family my parents decided I needed an audience, and they introduced me to theatre.​ Freshmen year at University, my acting teacher told me "Zura, you are going to have a great career when you are in your forties!" ... As a broody, high-strung nineteen-year-old I had no idea what to do with that prospect. Well. I studied and I worked. I made all sorts of art. I met a pretty swell pirate (sailor... pirate just sounds more fun). We got married. Had a couple of gorgeous babies. Traveled the world. Lived overseas! ... And now I am in my forties ... Full of stories ... And ready to work! ​After 30 years of work on the stage, and in commercial VO I found my way back to audiobooks! It feels like coming home. ​
Fun Fact!
I started studying Russian after my family traveled to the USSR and East Berlin in 1989. I was 10.
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